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Guide To Building a Coach House In the City Of North Vancouver and Upper Lonsdale

Posted on Aug 06, 2024 in Hot Topics

Comprehensive Guide to Building a Coach House in the City of North Vancouver, Upper Losndale

Coach houses have become very popular in Upper Lonsdale, specifically, in the City of North Vancouver.  I have met with many of the owners of coachhouses, and many others are that considering it.  

Some of the key reasons people are considering building (or have...

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Helping Your Kids Get into the Real Estate Market in Vancouver: Impacts on Life and Retirement

Posted on Jul 26, 2024 in Hot Topics

Helping Your Kids Get into the Real Estate Market in Vancouver: Impacts on Life and Retirement

This has become a very hot topic in real estate right now. People are doing what they can to keep their families close by and with the cost of real estate being so high, there are a lot more concerns than in past years. I put this white paper on the topic...

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Setting Up Trusts To Manage and Protect Assets

Posted on Jun 22, 2024 in Hot Topics

Trusts for Lonsdale residents
Setting Up Trusts to Manage and Protect Assets: A Comprehensive Guide


Trusts are powerful estate planning tools that can help manage and protect assets, reduce estate taxes, and avoid the probate process. This white paper provides an in-depth guide on how to set up trusts, explaining the types of trusts available, their benefits, and the...

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RADON!!  Extra Risky When Buying a New Home

Posted on Apr 22, 2024 in Hot Topics

Article from BCFSA website:This FAQ explains what radon gas is and when high levels of the gas must be disclosed by your agent to a buyer. The information also explains how to test for radon, and where to get more information about the impacts of radon on your health.

What is radon?

Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive, odourless and colourles...

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Upper Lonsdale (City of North Van): Is This a Sign Of Things To Come?

Posted on Oct 24, 2023 in Hot Topics

City North Vancouver Upper Lonsdale rezoning
I was just driving the area as I do every couple of days to keep a close eye on any changes in the community, and I came across a sign that shows a local building applying to rezone 245 West 27th Street.

The property is a 50' wide lot and the rezoning application indicates the new owners are trying to zone the property where they could build two hou...

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Avoid This Mortgage Insurance Scam Banks Use To Collect and Never Pay Out

Posted on Oct 08, 2023 in Hot Topics

Beware Mortgage Insurance
Mortgage protection insurance isn’t the mortgage insurance most Canadians are familiar with, the one you need to buy, generally from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. (CMHC), when your down payment is less than 20 per cent of the value of your home

Unlike the better-known mortgage insurance, which protects lenders if homeowners default, mortgage...

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