FREE Home Staging Vancouver BC

free home staging vancouver
We are excited and happy to offer Free Home Staging to our clients when they list their home with us.

For many, this could make a huge difference in how much you can get for your home.  I have always said that first impressions are critical if you want top dollar.  Staging is that first impression!  

How Our Free Staging Program Works:

Step One:  Call us to discuss your goals and set up a meeting for us to view your property.
Step Two:  We need to meet and view your home or property to determine the level of staging needed.
Step 3:  We pay for the initial consultation between $150 to $500 value where the stager will come in, do some basic and valuable staging, and even share a great list of things you can do,   Often, this is all you will need to turn your home into a gorgeous show home.
Step 4: If you need to bring in furniture and do a more comprehensive staging there will be a cost.
The best 

That's why I offer FREE home staging services for my clients when they list their homes with me.  

More samples of home staging the right way.

vancouver home staging free

Staging is about design and understanding how to capture the essence of the room.  This room was staged using colour and natural tones, wall shelving that acts as art and different size, height and designed tables to please the eye.

free staging of your Vancouver home

The texture of the wall is stunning so they staged with that as the focal point and worked to compliment and accent it, turning this space into a warm and well designed area.

Free Staging Tips and Tricks

Smashing use of colour, texture and layering.  This shows that staging doesn't have to be expensive to work.

Simply fill out the form below to register for your free staging of your home.  I will need to discuss your goals and plans and will contact you shortly to answer all your questions.
(your inquiry and contact information is 100% private and confidential).

Get In Touch

Kevin Lynch

Remax Crest Realty

101-2609 Westview Drive  North Vancouver,  BC  V7N 4M2 

Mobile: 604-307-9448

Phone: 778-718-5686