People often say, don’t take my word for it. Google me. Above it a screen capture of google when you type in ”who is the upper lonsdale best real estate agent” and you can see that I am ranked number one.
Below you will see list of other Top Ranking keywords where you can find Kevin Lynch for Upper Lonsdale and his expertise in the area.
Below are some graphs that show North Vancouvers Listing Count by area compared to the past 20 years.
Both Upper Lonsdale and Central Lonsdale have low inventories compared to their historical listings counts over the past twenty years at this time of the year, while Braemar and Princess Park both have very low inventory levels.
Upper Lonsdale has many amazing homes, including one of the most expensive homes on the market today.
Take a look into how Upper Lonsdale compares to other top North Vancouver areas on these live graphs. The above live graph shows Upper Lonsdale Median sales prices compared to North Vancouver, Canyon Heights and Pemberton Heights.
The Upper Lonsdale market is red hot right now. Sales have jumped to 9 sales; close to years ten year average of 10.4 sales. What is most notable is the volume of buyers in the market as indicated by 66% of the sales going into multiple offers.
The spring market is usually the busiest time of year and as long as there is sufficient inventory coming...
For home owners that bought their homes between three and five years ago and have their renewals coming up are having to deal with some serious questions and concerns.
The borrowing cost of a $1,000,000 mortgage based on interest rates looks as follows (based on 25 year amortization rates):
UPDATE: Six of the ten New Listings that just hit the market last two week already have accepted offers on them. They had 7 offers, 6 offers, 3 offer, 3 offers and two more had two offers.
The Upper Lonsdale Market is RED HOT!
If you are planning to sell this year, call the Top Selling / Listing Realtor in Upper Lonsdale this year and I promise to he...