DNV Public Hearing For Short Term Rentals and Bed & Breakfast

Lonsdale rentals

When: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 7pm. Where: Council Chamber, 355 W. Queens Rd, North Vancouver, BC How: The Public Meeting and Public Hearing will be held in a hybrid format with a combination of in-person and electronic participation by some or all members of council, staff and the public. The public are invited to attend at the Council Chamber where they will be able to see and hear the entire proceedings. Those wishing to view or to participate in the meetings electronically may do so at 

https://dnvorg.zoom.us/j/67910218298 or by phone by dialing 1-778-907-2071 and entering Meeting ID: 679 1021 8298.

Meeting: Amendments to the Business Licence Bylaw

What: A Public Meeting for Bylaw 8632, which proposes to amend the Business Licence Bylaw by: 
• Adding definitions for: 
• Bed and Breakfast Operator; 
• Principal Residence; 
• Short Term Rental; and, 
• Short Term Rental Operator. 
• Adding regulations for Short Term Rentals: 
• Requirement to be located in the principal residence of the owner or tenant; 
• Limit of six guests; 
• Adding regulations for Short Term Rentals and Bed and Breakfasts: 
• Emergency contact information requirement; 
• Information on relevant District of North Vancouver bylaws requirement; 
• Must provide a valid business licence number in advertising, listings, or promotional material; 
• Licence Inspector must be provided with a written description of the proposed rental and detailed plans of proposed off-street parking prior to operating; 
• Requirement to post a fire safety plan by all entrances and exits, and have a smoke alarm and fire extinguisher on each floor as well as a carbon monoxide detector on each floor that contains a gas appliance; 
• Testing, inspection and maintenance requirements for life safety equipment; and, 
• Requirement to produce inspection, testing and maintenance records to the Inspector upon request.

Hearing: Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw

What: A Public Hearing for Bylaw 8631, which proposes to amend the Zoning Bylaw by: 
• Replacing the definition of Bed and Breakfast; 
• Adding definitions for Principal Residence and Short Term Rental; 
• Replacing Part 4 Section 405 Home Occupations, subsection (h) regarding the number of home occupations permitted at the same premises; 
• Adding regulations for Short Term Rentals: 
• Principal residence requirement; 
• Prohibition of Short Term Rentals in permitted caretaker dwelling units and non-market housing units; 
• Maximum of six guests; 
• Requirement for one off-street parking stall; 
• Adding Short Term Rental businesses to the list of permitted Accessory Uses in Part 5 Residential Zone Regulations; and, 
• Adding designated expressions and fines for ticketing violations of the Short Term Rental provisions in the Zoning Bylaw.

When and How can I provide input? We welcome your input on October 10, 2023 at 7pm. You may sign up to speak at the meeting and hearing by contacting the Municipal Clerk at signup@dnv.org prior to 3pm on Tuesday, October 10, 2023. 

You may also provide a written submission at any time prior to the close of the public meeting and public hearing by sending it to the Municipal Clerk at input@dnv.org or by mail to Municipal Clerk, 355 West Queens Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7N 4N5. 

After the speakers list has been exhausted, there will be an opportunity for additional speakers who had not signed up in advance to make submissions. Please note that Council may not receive further submissions from the public concerning this proposal after the conclusion of the public meeting and public hearing

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