New Fundraisng Program Now Extended To Upper Lonsdale Churches.

Upper Lonsdale Church Fundraising
It is so interesting how a great idea in one area can often work and translate in a different area too.

The other day, I just launched my new community based fundraising program for the six elementary schools in Upper Lonsdale.  The very next day, it became clear to me that our local churches could also use this program to help increase their annual funding.

It would be amazing to be a part helping our local leaders to make a greater impact.  

It is well documented that many churches are looking for funding so they can expand the positive impact they can have.  Many offer programs for feeding the hungry, clothing those on the streets, and I would be thrilled to be a part of those amazing stories.

This referral based fundraising program could actually generate over $10,000 annually.

When someone from the church either refers someone  or that buys, sell or invests in real estate with me the church will receive a donation.  

They will receive a donation for sending me the referral (even if they do not buy) of $100 plus when the referral or person does buy or sell their home they will receive a second donation (at closing date) of $400 more for condos and $900 more for houses.  

This allow the church to receive donations up to $1000 per referral sold.  

As it is my intention to help each of the local churches to generate up to or more than $10,000 annually in new funding, I will offer double the amount of the referrals once we have five referral sales.  

There is one more layer as well.  

The referring party and or the Seller / Buyer will also receive a $500 Gift Shopping Voucher for Queensdale Market.  This way, we are also helping a good locally owned business increase their business.